Monday, November 16, 2009

Reflection 12: Don't let me wander off alone EVER AGAIN

Yeah, so I got lost in the Arlington Cemetery on Wednesday. I had to go to the bathroom before I headed off, and everybody went off ahead of me. I figured I could tackle Arlington on my own, but then i found out haw darn huge it was! I was in no mood for walking, but I had a project to do, so I was off. I had been wanting to visit the Kennedy graves since Ted Kennedy passed away, so I headed there first. It surprised me how minimalistic all the Kennedy graves were. They were obviously held to a great importance because there was a guard stationed there and special stone work display speeches and stuff. Anyway, after seeing that, I felt like climbing to the highest point of the cemetery. BAD IDEA. There is no direct route to anything in Arlington Cemetery; its just a bunch of confusing, meandering dirt paths. It took me much longer and much more energy than I expected to reach the Arlington House at the highest point. I was completely spent by then, partly from lack of sleep and no breakfast that morning, but I had to get down and back to school. WORST 45 MINUTES OF MY LIFE. I didn't want to go back the way I had come, because I thought it would take too long. The way I ended up taking led me to the roads cars use to access the cemetery. I followed these roads for FOREVER in the relentless cold and rain until I finally got to the gates. But these weren't the same gates I had used to get in. I ended up collapsing in the Women in the Military exhibit to muster up a little more strength. I finally got onto the sidewalk that led to the Metro, but oh my god, it felt like the LONGEST WALK OF MY LIFE. I know I sound pathetic, but I was really starting to think I'd never make it. I was cold, wet, hungry, and utterly exhausted, and the metro wasn't getting any closer! I finally did get on the metro; had a long, agonizing wait for the AU shuttle; and collapsed onto my bed with every intention of never moving ever again. I did eventually move, but that was after I had slept through my Chinese lab.

So there you have it, my journey through the cemetery. It was quite fruitless in the academic sense, for I spent most of my time there lost and confused. For the last time we take a field trip, I am NOT going around by myself. If I have to get lost, someone else is gonna have to suffer with me. "Oh Anaaaa..."

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