Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Home Sweet Home

After graduating from kindergarten, I received two gifts- the latest version of Barbie and a special three legged pig figurine. Although at the time I was more excited about the Barbie, the figurine has held a more sentimental value to me over the years. Crafted in Chile, the pig is a symbol of good luck. Twelve years have gone by, and my pig is currently chilling on my desk in my dorm room. For as long as I can remember, I have always had the pig in plain sight in my room, so it only felt natural to bring it to college with me. It reminds me of home and my parents, which is naturally a nice feeling to have in this new and scary place called college. It acts as a type of security blanket...I know that if I am ever experiencing any problems I have my family to fall back on.
When I asked some of my floor mates what they thought this pig revealed about me, I received all different answers. Some one thought I had personally created it which reveals that I am an arts-and-crafts orientated person, which is a huge discrepancy because I literally cannot draw a straight line with a ruler, let alone mold a pig. After explaining to her the story behind it, she changed her answer and said that I am sentimental as well as a kid at heart since I have had it for so long. I guess I am somewhat childish since I have held on to it for so long, but isn't that the point of sentimentality?

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