Monday, September 7, 2009

A Life Well Lived?

This week, me and Julie decided to write blogs based on Prof. Dana Walker's presentation, albeit in a slightly different manner. We originally planned on writing obituaries for ourselves, along with the rest of our blog group. However, we changed the original plan; we are now writing obituaries for each other.
This is not in fact a cop-out of a reflection, in order to write these obits; we need to reflect both on the fronts that will lead us to our final product, as well as reflect upon our life stories in their true form: written by another person.

Julie Cross died this Tuesday, of complications following a surgery, at the age of 92 in her home in Kirkwood GA, outside of Altanta. Julie is remembered not only by her family and friends, but by many Americans for her role as the Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under John Johnson during the Jiminez administration. Her work in the Treasury, as one of the few Republicans working in the Dept. is noted as key in reducing inflation after the 45-48 recession, and her tight monetary policy was compared to that of Paul Volcker of the Reagan administration.

Julie Cross was first married to Nicolai Michele in 2018, whom she met in Las Vegas. Julie later married Cameron Smith of Boston, MA, in 2020, with whom she had 2 children, Christopher and Alex. After her political career, Julie moved outside of Atlanta, GA to enjoy her retirement. She was known as an avid spports fan her entire life- having started various youth soccer leagues for DC children and remained active her entire life. It was a racquetball related injury that led to her hospitalization and eventual death. Julie Cross will be missed by all.

(I based this reflection on several things I know about Julie- she is confident and straigtforward which led me to choose politics for her career, good at/interested in math which put in the the Dept of the Treasury)

1 comment:

  1. Ben's portrayal of me in my obituary was very interesting to read. I would say I am a pretty confident and straightforward person, I have conservative views which he picked up on, and I like to play soccer as well. I think what this shows is that through mine and Ben's social interactions, we were both pretty real with each other. Sure, I might have had my front up at first, but I think this shows that while living in close quarters, the identity underneath the front has been portrayed.
