Friday, October 16, 2009


I am home! It's so surreal being home for the first time in two months. I came home to wet snow on Wednesday. In October? In New York? (And no, I am not upstate as much as some people repeatedly tell me where it snows 24/7! =] )

I thought it was going to feel weird and awkward when I got home, but I surprisingly felt as if I had never left, although I did have to remind myself that I don't need to wear shower shoes in my shower and I didn't have to contemplate how badly I had to use the restroom because I was too lazy to walk all the way down Leonard's hall to go. I finally had steak! That was definitely the high point of being home because for those who don't know I complain how TDR doesn't ever have steak or barely any other type of red meat besides burgers with the occasional roast beef or meatballs at least five times a day. I went to Rockland Bakery, which I will bet my life on that has the best bread, especially rolls, in the WHOLE entire world. I went to the Palisades Mall, as much as I hate it I always find myself there. I did all the things I normally do when home, nothing really has changed, the world didn't stop because I wasn't there. Hopefully now it won't feel weird when I go back to school!

Everyone who I have seen has told me that I look different, but I feel like this is just because I haven't seem then in a while. I don't feel any different. I don't feel like I'm "on my own"- yes I'm not with my parents anymore but there are twenty people surrounding me so I never really feel as if I'm "on my own." I don't feel like I've matured at all or even changed in the least bit. But after all, I have only been at school for two months. I have a little less than four more years to go!


  1. If you're above the City, you're upstate! :-P

  2. Ditto on the meat, I actually left Chef Sassy notes - "Please, we want meat! It's always chicken!" and undersigned, "The desperate carnivore." I tried, but TDR is conspiring to turn us vegetarian. :-) Glad you enjoyed home!
