Friday, October 2, 2009

Reflection 6- MBTI Results

The presentation today was definitely my favorite one that we have had so far. Although I liked the other ones as well, I felt as if this was more personal. Rather than hearing about the guest speaker's life, I was finding out more about myself. And I must say I was a bit surprised by some of my results.

My personality type is ISFP (introverting, sensing, feeling, and perceiving). When we were supposed to guess what our results would be, I chose ISTP. I was actually really surprised to see that my results were feeling and not thinking. I normally weigh the pros and cons of each decision that I am faced with and then make what I think is the most rational choice. For example, while choosing which college I was to attend, I made really extensive lists about my top two choices, American and Villanova. After looking over my really cool lists that I had made, I decided that American would be the best choice for me. So I was naturally surprised to see that it told me that I make decisions best on what feels best or feels right. However, I definitely was not surprised that I was labeled as sensing. In order for me to process things, I need to write it over and over again; I do not understand charts or pictures of any abstract concepts of any kind. On my ISFP sheet, it told me that I need to be aware that I become “confused with…theoretical tasks.” While I was reading this, I had an “a-ha!” moment. I currently have a World Politics essay to write that is all about theory, and to be frank I have no clue what I’m doing in it.

However, the majority of my results that described me were definitely true for me. In high school, I definitely had a close group of really close friends rather than many people I wasn’t particularly close with. I hate confrontation, and my results said that I need my life to be “harmonious and tension free.”

I also enjoyed the jobs told me that I should look into pursuing, especially “exotic animal breeder,” “fish and game warden,” and “wilderness adventure leader.” All in all, I found the MBTI results rather helpful. Woohoo!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I'm SIS too and I'm actually really enjoy it which confuses me because it's all theory-ish right now, and I'm ISFP with it is getting me a little nervous about what will happen down the road...should I be focusing on something different? honestly, I think that and then say to myself "pull yourself together, you can do whatever the hell you want if you put your mind to it" and it's true, even Susan Gordon said it's possible to learn how to be a different type. And perhaps the fact that I know I'm more Sensing based than Feeling will help me norraow down within SIS what I want to do with my degree way down the road. I already identified that I am interested in Peace and Conflict resolution...and yeah thats slightly theoretical but its also very necessary to look at the facts and figures and not get caught up in the "what ifs" if you want to make the right decision that fits the here and now.
    Yay personality type buddies =]
