Saturday, October 3, 2009


My stepmom is a psychologist and wanted me to take the MBTI in high school so before I got my results this time, I already had an idea of what I was. With that being said, I was really excited to get my results back this Friday because I wanted to know if my preferences had changed as I've matured.

Both times that I've taken this test, I got an ENFP as my results. I don't remember all of my scores from the first time I took this test, but I do remember my stepmom telling me I scored every single point on the extraversion scale. This time, I only had 13 points in the extraversion scale which is just a moderate extravert.

One thing we talked about in class is how depeneding on the situation, the way we act may be a little different. For example, when some extraverts are in a group of really extraverted people tend to get a little quiet. I think the changing of my environment from high school to college definately affected my level of extravertedness and where I get my energy from. The last two years I was in high school I was basically an only child because all my siblings had moved out. So since I was alone at home a lot, I always wanted to be with people and would focus my attention to other people all the time. However now that I live in a dorm where people are around me constantly, while I still much prefer to be with other people I sometimes just prefer to sit and think more about the "inner world" as the MBTI says. I think this could have affected why I dropped from an extreme extrovert to a moderate extrovert. Overall it was really interesting to revisit this test.

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