Sunday, October 11, 2009

Reflecting the past

I really liked the speaker on Friday. She really reminded me of one of my favorite teachers from high school. She turned what would have been an almost painful subject, physics, into a fun class. Similarly our speaker's enthusiasm for her subject that I almost found myself wanting to take micro economics on the off chance that she'd be teaching it.

Teachers liek that really make you who you are. I learned work ethic and physics in that class and I get things done now because my teacher made me get things done then.

1 comment:

  1. I had sort of the opposite reaction. I was almost put to sleep by her presentation. I was also kind of disturbed as to how she approached her entire life like an economics teacher. I understand that weighing the pro's and con's of a decision is important, but the way she explained how she came to her decision on adopting two kids made her sound kind of nutso. Anyways...I'm glad you got a good experience out of her presentation...I was just having trouble staying awake!
