Monday, October 19, 2009

Reflection 8: I waste weekends like college students waste money...

Boy was this fall break was a waste. Sat on my ass and did nothing. NOTHING. It seems like the past year I've been devolving, and now I'm just a lazy pile of unmotivated goo. But alas, the sun is up and I didn't get any sleep tonight. So let's focus on the positive shall we...

The ethnography was interesting... hard to write, but interesting. I had to do my site visits this past week because I was sick last weekend. Turned out not to my advantage because it RAINED the only days I could go. So just sitting and observing a street in Chinatown was tough. I didn't want a soggy notebook. I solved this by popping into a couple of restaurants and huddling under some overhangs. But I felt that everyone I observed was the same, DC people trying to find a good place to eat. Maybe that was the whole point...

Anyways, that assignment took up most of my time (and money). Nothing else really interesting to say. Like I said, I felt like not sleeping last night so I'm not in my usual midset. So I'm going to end this by saying that this week I spent $28 on a hat, drank a lot of McDonalds sweet tea, and spent way too much time looking at the white walls of my room. Oh, and I saw Zombieland!! Great movie! ^_^


  1. I think people are entitled to waste some time here and there. You spend about 15 hours a week in class, we read probably 400 pages a weekm, and write atleast a response to two for a class or two.

    That barely leaves anytime for people to sit down and enjoy the leaves fall. (I mean I guess you could read outside, but it was raining all week).

    I enjoyed doing my ethnography and would love to discuss my findings, but was so unintersted in writing them. But I did sit down and get it done and am rather happy with the final result. Life is all about small sucesses.

  2. Thanks Sasafras, whoever your are o_O. Gosh, I need to read other people's blogs more often...
