Sunday, October 4, 2009

Reflection 6: It's All AU's Fault...

I'm an ENFP. An Evil Narcisstic Fornicating Pokemon? No, more like an Enthusiastic Nonsensical Frolicking Panda! xD Just kidding, it’s my Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) type. It basically says that I am an individual of Extroversion (that sounds so weird!), Intuition, Feeling, and Perceiving. The description MBTI gave me was pretty accurate; I’m an imaginative, energetic, persuasive, empathetic people-freak who values harmony compliments. I’ve done a lot of soul-searching in my past 18 years, so I already knew this about myself. What I didn’t know was what on earth I should do for a career. I expected the MBTI test to tell me to be a social worker or actress like they usually do. But instead, the careers on the list turned out to be my dream jobs. Screenwriter, television producer, advising creative director – these are all the jobs I always wanted to do, but didn’t know if I would be good at. According to this test, I would be. You don’t understand how excited I am at the prospect of being most of the top jobs on the list. This has really made me rethink my major, or maybe do a double major. Thank you, Explorations, for helping me answer some of my questions, finally.

The funny thing is I never REALLY chose a major. I was supposed to go in Undecided, but on the Common App, my parents told me to put down International Studies and Communications down as my interests. I had been undecided on which would be a better career path for me. When I got the acceptance letter, it said was in the School of International Studies. I guess American just assigned me the major because it was the first one on my list of interests. I was like, “Oh well, I can always change it later.” I took on the title of SIS student since then, but now I think the School of Communications may be where my future lies. I’m gonna take a communications class next year and see if I like it.

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