Sunday, October 18, 2009

Reflection after being home

On Tuesday in class some people were discussing the difference between finding yourself and creating yourself. Some people were saying like your identity and who you are is predetermined and you just have to find it. I disagree. I think that life is about creating yourself. All of the experiences you have and the people you meet play a part in creating who you are. It was amazing to go home after being gone for two months and seeing the people that played a large part in forming who I am. I had too many visits to people to fit in in just one weekend. It made me realize that so many people played a part in forming who I am and impacting my identity.

1 comment:

  1. I completly agree! Life is about making your self and enjoying living your life. If you wait for life to tell you what you to do, then you spend your entire life waiting.

    Its funny, I went home this weekend and really enjoyed doing absolutly nothing. I have been so busy in college and feel like I have gotten so little sleep that the chance to watch tv and nap all saturday was refreshing.

    I cannot wait to see my friends but not this weekend.
